Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shopping carts

So it really bugs me when people don't put their carts away. Either back into the store or in the cart corral. We all hate to find a parking space only to realize there are shopping carts in the space right? Plus when they are just randomly in the parking lot the wind can sometimes get it and push it onto someones car causing damage and frustration. And we all hate to see the parking lot full of carts only to get into the store to realize there are none inside.

Well today I had enough. Squeaker and I went to Wal-Mart to get some address labels and we actually scored a decent parking space. Sometimes I park next to the cart corral on purpose so it's easier to get into the store. Just pop his car seat in and go. 

Anyway, when we were leaving with just one bag of stuff I watched a woman finish putting her things into the back of her SUV. She was parked in one of those parallel handicap spaces. I was just getting near her when she was finished. She was the first car in the line and she started to push her cart away. I held my breath thinking maybe she was actually going to go back into the store to put it away.  Like I said she was in the first spot and I couldn't tell what made her qualify for the handicap space. Well nope...she just dropped her cart off in the cross hatch spot not 10 yards from the door. So I looked right at her and said "really you are going to leave your cart right there?" She replied, "yes isn't this where they go?" Mind you there were shockingly no other carts there. So I turned toward her and said nope and me and Squeaker took her cart and walked it into the store leaving her standing there. I can't believe I actually said anything. 

I hope she thought about how inconsiderate she was. I know I should have been nicer but ahhhh it drives me nuts. I also hope that she was embarrassed that she didn't put her cart away right but a mom carrying an infant in a car seat could do it.

So moral of the story. Put your cart away. 

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