Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kudos to my mom

As I sit here and nurse squeaker I can't help but wonder how my mom did it. 4 kids including a set of twins. Right now he's doing a great job of not squirming around and such. Last night though he just didn't feel like going to sleep. In his defense though he had shots Monday so Tuesday he slept quite a bit at day care. He just wanted to fuss and be rocked. I just don't know how my mom had the energy and patience for us when my twin sister and I were born. 2 boys in grade school and the twins! She nursed us too which I am very thankful for. I just don't know how she did it. It is a bit tiring. I feel like I'm always hungry and can't get full.

I do realize that dad helped out and our brothers were able to mostly take care of themselves. I'm quite certain that helped. I know everything the hubs does around here I am very thankful for. For instance he is usually the one that has to finish preparing dinner. Then has to clear the table. He also makes sure the dogs still get attention and exercise. I'm sure though that my brothers still wanted mom's attention and hugs. I'm sure she gave them plenty of those hugs too.

Seriously though, I have no clue how my mom was able to feed, care for, rock to sleep etc twins and still had energy and patience for our brothers. Getting this little squeaker to sleep is exhausting. Its not like he is fussy like I said, he just wanted to be awake and look at things. Can you imagine having to try and calm down 2 babies?!  She is a master at holding 2 babies at the same time though.
me getting ready for a photo with both boys

and GO for photo!

Grandma is a pro!

I have been told that after you have one baby that any after that are easier and you are less worried about things and have a better grasp about whats going on. I don't know about that though. I'm not sure I will know though. Much too early to be thinking like that. I do know that I will not be pregnant during a deployment again though.

Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out to my mom for being such a great mom!!!

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