Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Update

On the calendar today is the first day of spring. Outside, not so much.... Hopefully though it will happen soon enough.

Most of us at the Schuster house are getting ready for vacation!! The hubs and I are going to DISNEY!!! Jack Attack isn't so lucky but, he's too little to even realize he is missing out. I'm not real sure how much he is missing out though in his little eyes as Grandma and Grandpa are going to come visit. I'm quite certain he's going to get lots of loves, and lots of playing outside and lots of cookies.

We are thankful that Grandpa and Grandma Pat were able to come out at the end of February and we were able to play some in the snow that was on the ground. We have such a good sledding hill that we all enjoyed going down it - even Jack. It wasn't super cold out either so that made it real nice.

Also John and I have decided that it may be best for our family to move closer to Indy. While we absolutely love our house and love our community the drive is starting to take it's toll.  So hopefully we can find someone else that will love the house as much as we do. We do need to get some projects done though. Ugh the never ending list of projects.

Speaking of projects though I better get back to it!

Have a good one,


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