Thursday, August 30, 2012

Upstairs Bedroom Project!!!

This picture makes it look more green...

Okay so I have a bunch of little (and some large) projects going on. I think I may actually be nearing the finish line for one though. We painted our upstairs spare bedroom a nice tanish color. It was pink and green stripes and polka dots. I like pink but this was a little much. So it's gone now (except the closet......). But I updated a headboard that I already had. My friend Kris and I went to the fabric store and bought some backing and then some fabric and then she and I stapled the backing around the head board.  Then the hubs and I did the fabric. It's AMAZING. I also just went and bought a new comforter set. I'm going with an outdoorsy theme.

I need to get more pillows so I can use the
other shams and make this look nicer.

I made this headboard!
Next with the room is CURTAINS! Why am I excited about curtains.... I need to measure the windows and such first but last night I had to bowl instead. First game was 123, second game113, and then I didn't buy a 3rd beer so for the last game all I got was 94.
I think this lamp would look cool in the room

Peace out,



  1. Dude, your handy :) I really like the headboard and the lamp!

  2. Thanks dear! I need some more pillows stat though. Make it look nicer but I didn't want to totally hide the head board quite yet.
