Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Scouting America

 My big crazy is now in Scouting America (Formally Boy Scouts of America)

I wanted to provide a list of items that are helping him. So far it's just minimal but I know it'll grow!

THIS TOTE is easy to carry, and holds a TON

Zipper Binder to hold onto his paperwork as well as his merit badge cards

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Update

On the calendar today is the first day of spring. Outside, not so much.... Hopefully though it will happen soon enough.

Most of us at the Schuster house are getting ready for vacation!! The hubs and I are going to DISNEY!!! Jack Attack isn't so lucky but, he's too little to even realize he is missing out. I'm not real sure how much he is missing out though in his little eyes as Grandma and Grandpa are going to come visit. I'm quite certain he's going to get lots of loves, and lots of playing outside and lots of cookies.

We are thankful that Grandpa and Grandma Pat were able to come out at the end of February and we were able to play some in the snow that was on the ground. We have such a good sledding hill that we all enjoyed going down it - even Jack. It wasn't super cold out either so that made it real nice.

Also John and I have decided that it may be best for our family to move closer to Indy. While we absolutely love our house and love our community the drive is starting to take it's toll.  So hopefully we can find someone else that will love the house as much as we do. We do need to get some projects done though. Ugh the never ending list of projects.

Speaking of projects though I better get back to it!

Have a good one,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fortune Cookies

I think it's fun to collect fortune cookie fortunes.  I had a whole pile at my desk but, it was getting out of control.  It doesn't help that there is a Chinese food restaurant within walking distance of work. Here are some fortunes I've received.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello!! We spent our evening at our friend's house - Jack was so good! Only fussy when he got a little tired. So I was able to nurse him and then cuddle with him until he slept. Then he woke up at about 11:30 or so and was awake to watch the ball drop! I don't think he wanted to be awake though and was a bit confused about where we were. Luckily, these friends live less than 10 mins away.

Exciting news though is that once we got home, about 12:40 or so, he was back asleep and slept until 7:15!!! Hooray!!! Now he is taking a nap and has been asleep for 2 hours. I guess he partied way to hard last night.

John and I are enjoying our day off and doing laundry and other odds and ends around the house. John is putting together a cabinet he got me for Christmas. I cleaned up a couple cupboards and put the glass things higher and brought the plastic things lower. 

Jack is really really wanting to crawl. He does Army crawl and he puts his whole body into it. He's such a happy kid though. But now you can see why the plastic things needed to be in a lower cupboard as I imagine he is going to learn to open the door and play with whatever he finds. Trouble maker for sure. 

 I can't wait for him to wake up and so we can play! My folks were out here this past weekend and bought him a Johnny Jumper. His cousin has one and they thought he needed one too. He loves it - not as much as his cousin yet but, he will get there.  

He is also very spoiled - lots of lovings while Grandma and Grandpa were here - then the weekend before John's dad was out and gave him lots of loves too. It's easy to love him with the cute little smile he gets. I don't think it will be easy to say no to that.

A few other things that happened recently:
- We got to spend a whole week in Iowa for Thanksgiving and saw just about the whole immediate family. - Even got to meet Jack's new cousin Daniel!
- I cut 5 inches off my hair.
- Jack had his first baby sitter while I was at work and John had drill.
- We were Jesus, Mary, and Joseph for the Christmas program at church.
- John had his work Christmas party and naturally Jack was the cutest guy there
- Jack now eats carrots (iffy on liking them) and sweet potatoes (likes them).

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Baby sleeping

Just sitting here rocking the little guy. He's so stinking cute. Problem is, I'm starving. No one else is awake - father in law is visiting for the weekend. Thankfully Jack is snoring so he can't hear my stomach growling. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whoa I'm behind

Soooo I'm behind on posting any updates. It's like I have a cute little baby at home or something. =)

Anyway, things are busy. Jack is learning new things all the time and his eyes just always look so big with wonder. He also now has 2 little teeth on the bottom. They don't seem to bother him much but I do catch him chewing on his tounge sometimes. He does love to chew and chomp on all of his toys. Luckily he doesn't reach for any of the dog toys!!!

My parents were out for a long weekend visit during Veterans Day. I know they enjoyed seeing baby Jack and Jack enjoyed his time with them also. He showed them how good he is at eating cereal at night time (helps him not wake up so much during the night). He also showed them how he rolls over every where and how good he is at petting the doggies.

The dogs have been behaving so good around the baby. I think they know that he's here to stay and not so bad. Both Lucy and Charlie will go and stick their noses close to him to make sure he's okay. Charlie of course gives him kisses and he doesn't mind.

Here are a couple photos. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I realize that eyelashes fall out. That being said I have one eyelash on my right eye that is pointed down. Nothing I do works!!! I put make up on and still points down...eyelash curler...tried pulling it out - that hurt. 
It's toward the center of my eye and believe it or not it does sort of get in the way. 
Never imagined I'd have a problem like this.